Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How did ships in Olden Days Travel?

At some intermediate time (1800's) they used steam tugs to move them to and from docks, and sail when under way. Often, explorers would not take their big ships near shore but instead send longboats ashore or up narrow channels, which was safer and easier in uncharted waters - apart from being hard to maneuver the ship, depth soundings were by weighted line.

Should I accept 8,000 dollars before tax on this used car?

Yesterday we went into a dealership and the salesman insisted that he bought the car for 8,500. He showed us a sheet from kelly Blue book saying its WORTH is 8,500. I realized this and starting arguing with the salesman. Me being only 15, he said things such as, "Why am I arguing with a stupid 15 year old?" Then I told him to show us the invoice because he has nothing to hide since they bought it for 8,500, anyway. He said he'd go bankrupt if they showed all the customers the invoice. So we left using the walk out technique. He goes and tells the manager that we are leaving, and we saw that didn't want us walking out (we have good credit). However, he let us go. Today, though, the salesman calls and offers 8,000 for the car. That's 500 below what he "Put into it". Obviously, there is still some room to negotiate. Any thoughts?

Any good Romance movies?

I dont like olden day ones and i've seen the last song and Dear John and walk to remember yeah, im stumped. Any good movies, i like the charecters to be around 16 not old people xD Thanks(:

Can i have a book reccomendation please?

Recently I've been into the horror fantasy kind of books. I just finished Beautiful Darkness by Kim Garcia and i loved it! No vampire books please. LOL. I already read twilight and all.. Beautiful Darkness was about mortals and a castor if you wanted to know.. You could also give me any other book thats not olden timed,historical or classical or . I read the Nicholas Sparks books too =) Anything girly would do too.. as long as its quality literature! Btw. I'm in 7th grade but my reading level is high beacause I'm in verbal (english honors) and we already read To Kill A Mockingbird which i hear is read during high school? And i'm the highest reading level possible for my honors. Does that help? Lmfao. so recomendations please? Sorry for the long explanation :/

Should I contemplate moving to California when i'm out of High School?

well to answer your last question the economy is just as bad here (in california) at about 9% unemployment total through out the state ,the university system here is jacking up tuition rates almost making it impossible to go to college here ,but the only good thing we got going out here is the weather the winters can be i guess just a little better than up there in the north west ,the summers (depending on where your at ) can get rough and into triple digits ,but if you live in the valley (like i do ) your about 2 hours from the coast and the mountains (if you like camping and skiing ) .bu other than that california is a good state.

How to deal with strict parents when you are 25?

let's say you can't get a job and are bankrupt, with education debt up the wazoo. so moving out isn't an option. and they are so strict, that they don't even let you sleep over your bf's place, they dont let him come over, and your curfew is midnight.

Isn't it true that in the olden days it was considered manly to wear tights and a brightly coloured jacket?

Particularly when arranging an audience with His Majesty. Let's bring back tights and brightly coloured jackets.

Best Fantasy/Romance Novels?

The Host, for sure! It is by Stephenie Meyer, but has nothing to do with vampires...has a bit of human love in it, but I will not spoil it for you! The first couple of chapters are kind of confusing and slow, but keep reading. Best book ever, hope you get to stick your nose in it! ;)

Were there any Japhetites (caucasians) in south east Asia or America in the IIIrd millennium BC?

I read in at least 2 or 3 references (both creationist and non creationist) there there is evidence of a small caucasian element pretty much all over the world (Americas, Pacific, East and South East Asia) since olden times besides what is commonly regarded as caucasian (Indo-Europeans). Of course, japhetites were a minority in all those places compared to the hamites. I still find it amazing that there were some. East Asians, Pacific Islanders and Native Americans would thus, in a biblical sense, be maybe 10-20 % caucasian (japhetic), the rest being hamitic and maybe a very little semitic element ( a few percent)

Did i have my first hypoglycemic attack? Or was it something else?

if your not obese then you could have type 1 diabetes aka juvenile diabetes which would mae sense because your still young and a teen. i would go to the doctor and get tested. you could ahve diabetes or simply just hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) email me if you need help or anything

Will he ever be able to forgive me?

My husband and I have been living together for 9 years, 2 years ago I found out I was pregnant. It was unexpected but we were happy. We got married last year and had our son. Our son has brought so much joy in our lives everyday. We decided that I should stay home to take care of him. I left a job that I had for 11 years. But I was hiding a secret, I had $9,000 in credit card debt. I had been hiding this from him for 5 years. My husband became suspicious when he found a statement from one card with a balance for $3,000, I lied to him and said it was paid off. I told him I had no debt when he asked. When I left my job to stay home my plan was to cash out a rbap bonus account I had accumilated to pay off the debt. I didn’t realize I would not be able to do this for a year after I left the company. I struggled to pay the minimum balance each month not having a income of my own. But it was too late to tell my husband as I had already lied about it for so long. About 7 years ago he helped me pay off another debt. I just couldn’t tell him I had racked up another debt. He would never forgive me and never trust me again. It has almost been a year since I left my job and I would be able to cash out my account to pay off my debt for once and for all. Yesterday he found a statement I had hidden with the $9,000 balance and I came clean. He was furious and with good reason. He works very hard to provide for our family and is a great husband and father. We live a very comfortable life and he gives me money whenever I need it. He has saved over $30,000 for our future. He wants to use some of that money to pay off my debt. I don’t know if he will ever be able to forgive me, I don’t think he will ever trust me again. I don’t know what I should do. Will he ever be able to forgive me?

Do you think my moodiness could be caused by the phases of the moon?

I had mood problems as a young teen when my emotions were already running high from traumatic experiences, and I'm a cancer. The psychiatrist I had to see for a short time said I was undiagnosable but put it down on his notes as bipolar I. I notice that when there is a full moon, I get either really excitable and hypomanic or really difficult/distraught depending on what's happening in my life, but the less moon there is the more productive and mellow/balanced I'll be. I am similar to a bipolar person, but the doctor told my mom I couldn't possibly be that, do you think I'm just effected by the phases of the moon since I'm a cancer? I have a very neutral personality, and if I didn't I think I would be bat-**** crazy and unable to function.

What were means of sending messages in the olden days?

Pigeons were the main source. Rich people had messengers who would deliver messages by taking money.

What would happen if the United States defaulted?

The credit rating will be zero. The banks will stop paying their customers. The debtors will stop paying back to the banks..People will stop paying taxes.,because employees will stop paying paycheck.

Which party holds more responsibility for the economic crash of 2008?

This goes beyond 'party'...this goes to what institutions have the greatest influence on congress as a whole. Big business has ALWAYS had the last word on government policies. NO person in modern times can get elected to high office unless that person has at least a handshake agreement with big money that the politician in question will do no harm to the interests of big money. To be fair the GOP has always been 'more' of a friend of industry and bankers then the democrats, but the democrats have never shied away from a 'deal' with these people either. However, since the 1980's when American corporations transmogrified into TRANS NATIONAL corporations all of that changed. Basically the current GOP/Teabag/Fox 'News'/Jesus freak party serves ONLY the interests of an ever smaller number of massive trans nationals. The trans nationals, except for 'brand names' are no longer American...they are almost nations themselves and their interests are not the American wage earner. They've moved on. China has over a billion consumers as does India. The US has 300 million consumers....that's why these companies are there. The US is at best a niche market. The trade rules put into place by the trans nationals have put the US at a disadvantage. A chinese worker makes $350.00 a month. No American could live on three times that and maintain a middle class existence. As this plays out the US worker will be poor, mostly jobless and living in a country not a lot different from Mexico. 5% of the population will own 95% of everything worth owning and the 95% will be coolies and peons. Not right away. 90% of Americans are still working though at reduced pay and in the face of rising prices. The population is growing faster than job growth and the social safety net is on its way out. All of the BS talk about who's at fault doesn't ask the real has world economy changed? It's changed because we've passed from American corporations in a world where we had no real competition to a 'world economy' dominated by a trans national corporate power. Once we accept this reality we could find a way to deal with our oncoming poverty. To solve a problem you have to admit there is a problem. My bet is that not one person in carload will understand my explaination....they'll continue to blame the 'leftists'...not the man behind the curtain.

How long will a container of milk replacer last, please?

Well as long as the kitten has a plump belly it is probably getting enough from the mom. It is hard to say how long it will last you but they don't take very much at a time when they are this little- less than an ounce each feeding. As your kitten grows though it will take more and more.

Have you gotten a perm recently?

Im a hairdresser. And to be honest the perm is making a come back! It's not the same perm from the 80s with teased up bangs and a mess or curl. It a softer more defined curl everyone wants. You can't get taylor swift waves from a perm that is just practice with a large curling iron and good hairspray. You want to only consider a perm if your hair is longer in length and you always want to start with a smaller tighter curl than what you want in the end. After a few washes a perm relaxes. So dint stress if you get one and it's too curly. It still has hope! I am a fan of good perms! Find a hairdresser who likes to work with natural aspects of your hair. Not one who is in to bold dramatic and different. Ask around. Your friends are surely seeing an older expeiernece hairdresser who is up todate on the latest fashions! Good luck!

In the future will obama be synonymous with bankrupt failure like Benedict Arnold is synonymous with traitor?

George W. Bush was the one who signed all those bailouts, not Obama. Bush really was a bold fella, I'm sure glad he's finally out. Besides it's the Federal Reserve Banks that are bankrupting the U.S.A. in the first place. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 needs to be abolished along with it's unconstitutional Federal Income Tax which isn't FEDERAL at all. The Federal Income Tax is the only unconstitutional taxation upon the U.S. citizens because it doesn't go to the Federal Government but to the private owned Federal Reserve Banks and their shareholders. Abolish the Federal Reserve Act and the Federal Income Tax and you've just solved at least 60% of all the deficit U.S. owes.

Would karl marx be laughing about bankrupt capitalist america begging communist china for money?

'Communist China' is no longer communistic ;-), they 'red barons' have tasted the sweet taste of money. The pure capitalistic system applied in the US is however a dangerous system, the financial crisis showed how easy the system can crack. 20 years ago the Warshau pact countries collapsed because their financial system failed and the US was on the verge of a break down, mainly because the US politicians don't see the need to built in rules. The European Union has suffered from the financial crisis but their social policy did not prevent them to grow again. There is an absolute need for the US to built out a better social system. I still don't understand why so many US citizens don't see the advantages of a social system, less poverty, better education, better chances for people to get a degree and to get a job, better infrastructures, better public transportation, better hospitals and MD's, income security,........ So !in a way Karl Marx is right, the pure capitalistic system without built in stabilisators is a system that looks for its own destruction, it is a job of the governement to manage the riscs of of the capitalistic system and to make sure that everybody benefits of the system and that not only the richer get richer and the poor get poorer.

Why Is The Divocre Rate Is So High Now Compared To Olden Times?

The idea that our own personal happiness is more important than anyone elses has corupted the whole world.

How long before Liberals will have to seek refuge in other lands as the republicans grow more and more radical?

The so called radical republicans or better known as teabaggers, will go back to the middle once they realize that they do not have rights and/or do not enjoy having to say "Heil Koch" everywhere they go.

What to do with Benefits money each month?

I presume you are thinking of putting this bond in your father's name in order to keep it away from your creditors. Pay them off first. You effectively stole �20,000 from people who trusted you to pay them. As a bankrupt you will find it very hard to get credit and start a business so you must pay this off as quickly as possible,

Is religon becoming a thing of the past?

back in the olden days before all the advancements in science & technology if we couldn't understand something we deemed it the workings of god.. today with all the advancements in technology & science we have discovered answers to many of those things. we now have learned that back then god was the answer to many things because as it is our human nature to seek out answers and figure things out, if we could not find a explination for something the answer was god's work.

What is wrong with me?

Please answer my question, ok, so I get these bad headaches, I get nauseous really easily and the Nassau starts when I move my head a certain way, I have a horrible memory, I get this ringing in my ear, and sometimes lose hearing in one ear, I get lower back pain occasionally, and I can't balance very well. Please don't say go see a doctor, Oh and can sperm live in lube that has no spermicide, because two months ago I masterbated with my friends lube that she uses to have sex with her bf and I don't know how sperm would get in lube but just wonderin, and unless sperm can live in lube don't say your pregnant, because I'm a virgin, please help!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A tv show with under cover alien invasion!?

the tv show played off in the olden days. The undercover alien used to control human bodies after putting a alien life form into the host. after which was control by the alien. They communicated with a triangular alien device. the only way getting the alien out was to drink something and then the foam let the alien out of the human host.

I Am Trying To Figure Out The Name of a Classic Novel?

I forget the name but I really, really want to read it again! I only got through the first half last time, but it was set in the olden days, and it was about a little boy, and he wanted to get a puupy, or two puupies, but his parents or his dad would not pay for them, so the boy had to work himself to get the money to get them. So he worked, got the money, and got the puppies, and I think he used them for hunting? Does anyone know the name of this novel?

My tenant cheque bounced 2 times in NOIDA, India.?

My tenant is staying in my house for 4 months and out that he did not paid the rent cheque and his last 2 cheques also return due to insufficant balance. Now he is not vacateing my house also. What I can do for the same?

Cold turkey seizures from lamictal/welbutrin?

In november of 2010 I had to go cold turkey off my meds because my healthcare provider got into it with the university of louisville physicians so my doctor became out of network and I was too busy to switch to another doctor. Please no comments about you should never go cold turkey, it was out of my control. Anyways these past 3 months I have had 4, what I can only describe as vertigo esque total loss of balance mixed with convulsions a la seizures. I was on lamictal for 3 years and welbutrin for 8 years. I know these can cause problems upon going off cold turkey and am desperately trying to determine what is wrong with me. Any answers would be greatly appreciated.

Do I HAVE to eat after a run?

I just came back from a 20 minute jog (I'm a beginner) and I ate a healthy balanced breakfast an hour before I left and I'm never really hungry after a run but is it better that I eat something?

Is this name a good name for a male character of this personality in my story?

I like Zachary. It seems more modern, but has been in use for a long, long time. It is actually Hebrew, and means " The Lord remembers." That seems appropriate and vampirey to me (and no, that probably isn't a word), Good luck with your writing.

Why is my credit score so low?

A credit score is based on a 12 month activity and usually goes up between 5 to 10% per month providing you are paying on time. A fair score is 620/659, good is 660/749 and excellent 750/840. You should however have 2 major credit cards, one for every day use and one for emergency only.

Where do you buy a scale or an electronic balance?

Just wondering because for my science exam we need one to measure out salts and find the volume of it.

Can a mechanic put a lien on a car and/or sell it for non payment?

My husband took our son's car to the mechanic for repairs and now doesn't have enough money to get it out. Can the mechanic put a lien on the car and/or sell it? I want to make a partial payment and make arrangements to pay the balance, but the mechanic wants payment in full. Any suggestions?

When i use my deep conditioner, which says it improves moisture balance, it doesn't make my hair feel ..?

Try Aveda's Dry Remedy Moisture Treatment Masque. It makes your hair feel super soft! It's the only thing I'll use when my hair is feeling dry.

Is it easy to fake insanity and be institutionalized?

I know in the olden days, they tossed anyone in the nuthouse and didn't give a darn. Now, they used this thing called "science" to get accurate results. If I faked like, delisions, voices in my head, and kept up the act pretty good, could professionals tell I'm faking with all the sophosicted tests and such today? If not, what are the easiest mental disabilities to fake?

How risky is it for a U.S. citizen to be kidnapped in Spain?

You're going to Barcelona, not Tijuana, Mexico. Barcelona is one of the safer big cities in Europe. Go.

What was America like back in the olden days (1970's, 1980's age) ?

So, your definition of "olden days" is from the 70's and 80's? Well, back in the 60's, and even the 50's, we already had things like cars, telephones, movies, and airplanes. I know that must be hard to envision.

Is il going bankrupt?

Illinois is a state. It is not allowed to go bankrupt. However, it can and will default on its obligations.

How do I raise employee moral?

I am a 2nd shift supervisor at a manufacturing company who is currently responsible for a team of 9 employees. Until about 3 months ago, the camaraderie between the employees on my shift was quite amazing. I admit that my management style can be a bit laid back but I also work just as hard as they do so they tended to follow my example instead of take advantage of me. My team is comprised of mostly men in their mid-twenties. I myself am a female in her late 30's. I found they often came to me seeking advice about their personal lives, which they still do. However, a couple months ago one of the older employees on my shift was laid off because the company tends to let people go who have used up most of their paid time off too early in the year when they feel they need to save money in any given month (production vs. costs for the month). He also was an example to the rest of the people on my shift of someone who can carefully balance having fun at work while at the same time putting out good quality product at a good pace. Since his departure and a subsequent change of management just above my level which has turned out so far to be a bad thing, the moral on my shift has gone into the toilet. It seems my employees have no sense of urgency left. They just don't care how much they get done anymore. They used to take pride in the competition they felt with 1st and 3rd shifts by always producing the most product while still maintaining quality. I need to find a way to get some moral back with what little tools I have. I am only the shift manager, but I am the face of the company that they see 8 to 10 hours a day. Is there a way to bring some fun back in or am I just going to have to step up my supervisor game and MAKE them do what I want, thus dropping moral even further?

Is the media spotlight on Anthony Weiner to distract the public that 7 billion in taxpayer money vanished...?

This has been discussed long before Wiener's wiener. I guess the tax payers will pay it twice-Thanks George, Dick and Rummy

Will OBAMA be forced to use the power of the PEN?

He has been using the power of the pen to do an end run around Congress since he took office ! The man is scum !

Will I lose weight if I follow this plan?

Hi. Im a Personal Wellness Coach. For me, It;s very easy to lose weight. I weighed 149 lbs before, and now I lost 7 inches off my waists and 49lbs.I learned that we need to change or diet. I used Nutritional Shake Mix. It can give us 80cal.only per meal and 114 nutrients that our body needs, it has no fats, no cholesterol and it has low GI(Glycemix Index).Cutting calories is important. and I just want to share this because I have results.It help us to control our craving because it feeds our cells, not just our stomach. Our Nutrition Company is open in 76 countries in 31 years. Safe and effective for everybody. You can search my result at my facebook or call @ +639185071477 for more tips. . Maybe It can also help you.Godbless

Who wants to live like an old tribe, in nature? need ppl?

Sounds fun but Im not into the whole possibilty of starving to death when we can't find food or freezing to death. Haven't you watched or read Into the Wild?

Is it possible to gain weight without eating excess calories?

i'm getting help for an eating disorder.... i got into a bad routine of seriously undereating... i'm working on eating a balanced healthy but still low calorie diet.... i think i've gained weight however (5 lbs in two weeks)... is this possible or is it just water-retention or something?

In olden times when peasants paid their rent quarterly, did they pay in advance or in arrears?

Since most peasants paid with goods rather than cash, the collections tended to be annual. At the end of the harvest the overlords would claim their share of crops, If livestock was paid, they would be gathered in late autumn to be slaughtered for food over the winter, or gathered in late spring or early summer when any offspring had been weaned. Because of the nature of the collections, payment would be in arrears. If it was a bad year, peasants could fall behind in taxes and risk eviction or serfdom.

Which US state(s) offer enough job opportunities and especially affordable rent?

Rent in the price range will get you a decent apartment in most larger cities from the plains to the west, excluding probably california, Denver, Portland, and Seattle. Depending on what field your looking for the economy is coming back in Salt Lake, Idaho's Treasure Valley and Spokane Washington/CDA Idaho.

What would it take for Atheists to believe in GOD?

Kids don't watch pokemon it will brainwash you read the manga this is what happens when a pokemon doesn't go back into a pokeball.

My 15th birthday is soon and i want to get a photography camera, any recommendations?

The price range is... Maximum $800.00? Under that amount. My friends dad is a photographer and my friend says his dad prefers Canon and everyone in the group that over heard said i should go with canon but make sure its one of the newest camera not olden day ones like 2011-2012 cameras Please and thank you. The brand doesn't really matter i just want one of the best cameras under 800.00

Would nudity in Mortal Kombat be unreasonable?

I don't mean making it a pornographic game, but I can't help but feel as though it could work if done tastefully. Like look at Mileena, whats with the clean white bandages after she was supposedly just born? My opinion, blood, lots of blood (especially for censorship of her... you get the picture), and you know what? considering the fact that anyone playing Mortal Kombat should be mature enough to not freak out about a pixilated pair of breasts, maybe it wouldn't be too unreasonable to not have censor it in some, pardon me for saying, but stupid way. Also, I was looking through the guide I bought for it (I was trying to find out how to get all the damn costumes, still really need help with that. also, I have the kollectors edition for what its worth), and in the back I noticed a character concept that, oh shock and disbelief!, showed an unamed female (though I think they were either Jade, Kitana, Sindel, or Skarlet) with (pardon me for being so blunt, but) a boob. the Kostume had a very klassic feel to it, in a sense of it being something that people in the olden days (I'm sorry, I suck at explaining things, its almost like african goddess style). It was slightly sexual, but at the same time no more than Mileena, or even one of the previously mentioned characters. It was created quite tastefully, and to be honost, and at the risk of seeming like a pervert, I would play as it, more often if it was with a character I actually use. I'm sorry for ranting, but I kind of hope to either inspire someone to contact Ed boon about this, or at least convince me why this is a bad idea. Thanks,

Long term side effects of coming off the contraceptive pill?

I came off the pill in February of this year, after being on it for 10 years, as me and my husband want to have a baby. I had a period 6 weeks after coming off the pill,then had my first proper period 4 weeks after that around the 8th April, then another period 4 weeks after that on the 8th May and since then ive had nothing. I have broken out in spots that don't seem to be clearing and feel so fat and bloated all the time. Im going on holiday in 3 months and have been eating a healthy balanced diet and gyming it 5 times a week but can't seem to loose any weight. I just don't get it im trying so hard to be healthy but it just seems wasted effort, and I know there is no chance of getting pregnant with my periods all messed up which Is adding to my constant mood swings. Im also feeling quite down in the dumps a lot and frankly its really pissing me off, which makes me feel worse. is there anyone else experience these symptoms when they came off the pill? and how long did it take for you to feel normal?

NATO will finish job in Libya'?

As usual the politicians have set impossible goals for the military and ordered them to accomplish victory without giving them the tools to do so (ground forces to oppose Qaddafi's army). Now those same politicians are having second thoughts and trying to figure out how to cut and run, and blame it on the military, not their own incompetence. It does not surprise me that that Italians are the first ones to crack.

Ok so what do we do about the budget?

If Washington does not address the problem by the 2012 elections most of the incumbents will be in the unemployment line with the rest of us.They just will not do the job we sent them to do .An that is to cut spending not raise tax's so they can spend even more.

Muslim wedding doubt?

Nausha : the faith of one who is in control of their slef as one by praising the giver inoder to inable fate.

Would you rather be in your 20s, 30s, 40s or 50s?

I'd like to be in my 40's, again. It was a great time to be alive. (BTW, I'm just a bit old-ER than you) Don't expect you'll get TOO many answer's to this one, 'cos of the "age group" involved.

Will putting in a tampon make my vag loose?

i don't wanna disappoint my bf!! should i just use a rag like they did in the olden days??! pads are icky

What do you think???? opinions???? could this be published? give thoughts! it's short?

It really depends if you want to get paid for it. Poetry is highly subjective. One person can think it's terrible and another could think you're the next Sylvia Plath. Some magazines are selective while others are not. However, even if you're one of the best poets today you'll still probably not get paid well. Money is in books and even then it's difficult to succeed. Sorry to be a downer. The point is you should write because you like it and write because you want to share with others regardless of payment. Good Luck.

Why can't I spin? Is it because of my blades? ?

I am a freestyle 3 jumper, and I am still struggling with a two foot spin. I am working on my entrance to my scratch spin as well as endlessly trying to go more than 3 times around on a two foot spin. I never ever can keep centered, I always travel, can't balance and am almost completely on my toepick. I just can't stay balanced and I can't just can't find the sweet spot. I just get so stressed and upset about it- I have been skating for more than three years and I still can't do it. (I only do one half hour lesson a week so we progress mom doesn't want us to do more because the nearest rinks a half hour away.) the skates I have now are riedell 133 TS. They come with blades and I just feel like the skates and blades are too low for where I am (I had another post about my skates and people said I should get better ones). But would better blades really help, or is it just me? Any spinning tips are much appreciated. It really just makes me want to quit because I get so frustrated.

Monday, July 18, 2011

What are your thoughts on if gays/lesbians/bisexuals go to hell when they pass away?

Pfft. There is nothing wrong with being gay. Until theists can actually prove this "hell" thingy actually exists, they can shut up about gay people going there when they die.

What type of bow should I get?

dude if ur gunna get a bow u gotta go with a mathews they are the smoothest thing u will ever shoot but they are pricey u should also check out PSE bows they are the fastest and alot cheaper go with a compound bow man

Will swimming in salt water help with balanitis or bv vaginal infection?

im going to galveston tx to swim and i hear that the beaches have salt water and well i have balanitis and i heard that swimming in salt water will help balance the level of bacteria. and i also heard it does the same for BV the vaginal infection is this true or will it do more harm than good?? Somebody please answer!!

Is this a healthy/balanced diet?

For dinner I ate a small portion of rice with an egg as well as bean sprouts, cod and Chinese herbal soup with lotus root. Is this considered a healthy/balanced meal?

Would you rather be in your 20s, 30s, 40s or 50s?

I would like to be back in my late 20's or early 30's, am 42 now & miss the excitement had back then

How do I get daughter-in-law to use car seat correctly?

Put a bag of tomatoes in the carseat, unstrapped like she would be, and then crash the car into a wall at 70mph. The resulting mess should get your point across nicely.

I really hope someone can help me....god bless me :(?

god bless me to let love professionals see this... there's a girl that i really like but she don't know....we've been very good friends since bout 2 years...we are close friends...when she is down i'm there always to comfort her..sometimes she still praise me for being sweet for saying good stuff about her...when i'm down she'll will comfort me and she said if i'm sad she will also be sad..she wants me to smile...she even wrote about me in an essay in school...and i wrote bout her in a peom....we text each other everyday wothout stopping...we gave 'sweet love kiss' symbols in phones....she gave me advice when i'm fristrated or depressed....she also said that everytime when she's sad..she's said the only person who will appear beside her is me...she loves looking at flowers and she said she hope to see that kind of species of flowers....i told her that i hope there's a chance i'll be there to bring her to a windy shady place and look together...and said she was touched and tears dropping....and one day...i've got caught texting the same girl a lot and i've been grounded and my phone was confiscated...i told everything tat happens to me to tat girl except for veing grounded i told her i cant text and apologize a lot....then from that day onwards....we used facebook to chat...and i can feel her atitude is changing towards me...she sends an inbox bout her problems to me...and i told her wat must she do and the next day when she's online....she diden even thank or said anything juz 'haha:) hi" imma like feeling very jealous and scared tat she'll start to text other guys coz she dont have me anymore and starting to forget about me....i really dont know wat to do....i hope love professionals can gave me good advice real good tat can make her obsessed bout me again i want the old her back...:(( anything tat i can do to continue to make her talk to me like the olden days...?? i really appreciate ur help...and she also said tat the friendship i n her having appears to be having a gap in the middle and she dont wan to end this friendship....and she replied me tat she's sorry bcause of her attitude and she diden change bcause tat her parents scold her for texting the same guy a lot....and she said her parents dont want her to mix with bad guys...but she said her parents trusted coz i saw them bfore...well i really dont know wat to do...anyone please gimme some good advices?? :'(

Why did our standars get higher and highter as time went on?

in the olden days slavery was okay, and further back Europeans use to invade each other. like the Romans and stuff

What exactly do conservatives find attractive about being bankrupted by medical bills?

government funded healthcare works! When I broke my arm as a kid we didnt have to pay anything! When I felt sick last week I didn't have to pay anything to see my doctor!

My house has crack in the foundation and water is going in the basement?

The hous is like 90 yrs old and the value went down 30g now the house is worth 95g and my deb is 120g I'm trying to get out of the house with out going bankrupt I buy a better one but that is nor going to show as an investmen property. Is there anything I can do?

Is this a FASHION DISASTER? Or kind of cool and unique.?

People will think you are sick maybe you have cold but it take courage to wear them. You have guts to wear them in the street but you are brave you should be proud of yourself!!

How to make a fresh flower wreath?

like in the olden days when girls would weave flowers together into a crown. i would like to know a way i can just go outside and make one. i've found a few answers that involve breaking the stem, and connecting them together but i still don't get it. any help?

Ideas for Gothic photo shoot?

Work with a monochrome scheme low key lighting unusual camera angles and forced perspective (View the classic Cabinet of Doctor Caligari).

Can your astrology effect your mood during certain lunar phases?

I had mood problems as a young teen when my emotions were already running high from traumatic experiences, and I'm a cancer. The psychiatrist I had to see for a short time said I was undiagnosable but put it down on his notes as bipolar I. I notice that when there is a full moon, I get either really excitable and hypomanic or really difficult/distraught depending on what's happening in my life, but the less moon there is the more productive and mellow/balanced I'll be. I am similar to a bipolar person, but the doctor told my mom I couldn't possibly be that, do you think I'm just effected by the phases of the moon since I'm a cancer? I have a very neutral personality, and if I didn't I think I would be completely crazy and unable to function.

I am having trouble writing the end of the sentence? Hard to explain please read details..?

We need to embrace technology we have right this moment, and at the same time, not forget our ( blank ) I am trying to say that we should embrace technology we have right now, but not forget our " olden times" roots. You know, not to take advantage of transportation, neglecting the slight bit of excersise u can fit into your busy lives.

How to retrieve the last transactions of all items within a spread sheet which are of different dates ?

Supposing I’m using an excel spread sheet for a stock ledger that records the receiving and issuance as well as the balance of a series of stock items within the same spreadsheet. The transaction of each of these stocks items will be transacted at different times and at different dates. Is there anyway that I can retrieve the last transaction (which are likely to be from different dates) of all items within a single spread sheet report ?

What kind of motorcycle to get?

Hi, I'm 17 a senior this year and my parents are getting me a motorcycle for graduation present before I go away to police academy to become a cop. I plan on a crotch rocket as I don't like the high handlebars like a Harley has. I'm a big guy, I'm 6'4 and 250 lbs and my girlfriend is like 5'3 120 lbs and I plan on taking her around on it some. So what's a big bike for a big guy? I don't care to buy new or used, I was looking for one around $5,000. I really like the sleekness of the Kawasaki Ninja, but what kind to get? I know very little about motorcycles, but I have rode ATVs all my life and regular bicycles so I don't think I'll have a hard time getting used to balance/clutch/gears. Any help is appreciated!!!

What happens in a repossesion?

well welcome to the real world......first of all DO go to c/a..they will help you so for going in front of a problems how did you let it get so far in the first place ..there must of been signals well before it got to this beans on toast for a few months...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

When did kb toys in Christiana Mall close?

Me and my bf are arguing and i need to know the year KB Toys went bankrupt that was in the Christiana mall

Is Obama happy that his war on US oil production has bankrupted the US Postal Service due to high gas prices?

Email has made the USPS obsolete for most issues. UPS and Fed Ex have wrecked the parcel post aspect as well.

Does anyone also think?

Exactly what I was just thinking. Love those bong hits. BRB. Damn. You said Reptilian-Serpants. Dude! So F'ing cool. You from Texas. Sounds like it. They are so fricking smart there.

My lease is over. Can I still get "evicted"?

My lease is over at the end of today. This past month, I only paid half of my rent but still have $250 to pay. Can my landlord still file eviction even if I have moved out and my lease will be over shortly? I am planning to pay the remaining balance next week but was just wondering what I could face if I didn't pay the remaining of the rent. I live in TX. Thanks.

I want a baby im still only 17?

okay so . ive always wanted a baby my whole life. my entire life my dreams were to become a mom. my dream job is and always has been to be a stay at home mom. ive baby sat worked with children and had to take care of babys and it just makes me want one eveen more. i know that i need a backup plan. im 17 and halfway through my first year of college and still continuing on to become a dental hygenist. my school has free child care and if i didnt want to do that they offor online classes as well. i started early becuase im smart. why are teen moms so frowned upon in society? i was reading a pregnancy magazine and it said the best and healthiest time for a women to have a baby is when they were in their teen years. IN the olden days girls had babys at a very young age and it was acceptable. My boyfriend is a great guy and i dont have a job right now but he has 2 jobs and plenty of money and he said if i were pregnant he would want me to keep it. . his family would be very supportive. my mother not so much. ive had my times as a teenager. ive done my partying. i have my few close friends and am not concerned with partaking in anythign stupid teenagers do. i feel as if im mature and ready to take on life, have a good sense of who i am and am a confident girl. people always say "dont you want more for your life"? but this is what ive always wanted for my life. i could still continue with school and i know i would be the best mom ever ! im in a serious postion with my life right now and been serisouly considering getting pregnant ... what do you think and would this be an appropriate time for me? the only reason i am asking this is to see what people think considering MY circumstances. and to see if there is anything i have missed while thinking this over. im being completely serious and would appreciate serious, well thought out, logical answers please and thank you i would get married to my boyfriend but he has lyme disease and his medical insurance gets cut off if he gets married before hes 23 he makes more than 2 grand a month btw.

If America switches to Clean Energy Sources, will we have to bailout the Oil Companies in a few years?

No, because it will be the oil companies that control the "clean energy" sources. Many are already investing in it and they will have the money to buy it out.

What does my dream mean? its pretty strange...?

okay. so atfirst i was at a baseball practice (i dont even do baseball) in this caged area on that foamy flooring in this caaged area. all of the sudden, some girl went out to the middle and everyone started stabbing her with needles and then this lady walked in and protected her but they both died. then all of the sudden the room turned into a lake with jungle trees and stuff. the bad girls swam across the lake and one wanted to ride on an alligator, but it ate and the good girls climbed in a tree. the suddenly i was floating on an iceberg with my brother, but to steer the iceberg i had to hold a bubble in my hand and freeze a little globe inside of it with my hands. then there were hellicopters dropping off huge spiky balls and they were rolling every where crushing people. but it was like this big sea of icebergs at my school. then my brother and i hopped on to my school but it was only one buliding and it was surrounded by a part of the side walk that was broken off and it was floating in the sea. when we got on, i saw a bunch of people gathering on the side cu the guard toldus to go that way away from the spiky ball. then of course, my brother and i went the other way and saw the spiky ball coming and told everyone to go the other way. then my brother and i tried to go back to our iceberg, but he fell and i caught him. then suddenly i was a queen married to a king in an election, but we were also secret agents. we had to go somewhere on a mission. i remember we all had fake teeth that were greenish brownish and we had to send messages through them moving them with our tongues. and then i had to ask some guy a question so i asked "do u wish leprechauns were real?" and he said "we had some come in a few days ago," and we headed back (to somewhere idk where) but i fell off the iceberg but the king picked me back up. oh and i was also wearing some olden day clothing :) ya it was pretty wierd.....

"For Knights Of Olde Have Been Oft Told...." is a poem for nasty c/c?

ALL of the people of my network, and many outside of it, are being helped by me and improved their poetry, I help sick people, people that have problems of social adopting, I have helped people with parents that died, I have helped almost everybody who knows me, in here, in the science section, the engineering and chemistry and math, I help my co-patriots. I am a kind person when somebody gets sick, weak, alone. I am proud of myself and my people are proud of me. Your friend, Giorgio

Going bankrupt, or is there another option?

When i turned 18 i went silly with phone contracts and pay day loans, im now 19 and a half, and have 5000 in debt to Company and 3000 to family and friends, it wrecking my life and i don't know what to do any more, i get paid every month and all my money just goes straight out to company's automatically, i did try to do a debt management course but it did not work as my money would also go else where every single month, i don't know what to do any more, is bankruptcy a option, i just don't know what to do, or get a big loan to pay it all off and just pay 1 company back every month, any advice please?

Does anyone also think?

Michael, this question asks for thoughts, i don't think people want to think, they want to know. I watched a movie tonight and one of the lines went like this: "Everyone knows what TRUTH is even if they haven't lived in it for a while, or won't admit it, they still want to know that it exists and can be discovered." Something like that. You get the pict.

What's the most impressive form of payment?

Either works. What diffference does it make if it is impressive or not. Main thing is you have money to pay for your purchases.. either paper or plastic. Right?

Should I follow up a job rejection?

It's worth considering that they don't want to hire you again for whatever reason. To make a b.s. excuse such as not answering 2 questions as well as the #1 guy - when they know you can do the job and have worked there before - tells me they just don't want to hire you back. It can't hurt to follow up, but if you don't hear from them again, just move on.

Please Seniors, Strained shoulder question?

I have strained my shoulder and I have no money to buy meds even if I go to a hsp. Back in the olden days, way back in the country when people hardley knew what a doc was, what treatment did they do for this? I so wish my grandma was here to tell me, but she is gone now. Thx

How to stand on you tip toes ? (:?

Okay so i'm not in ballet but i used to cheer lead, i know its nooo where near ballet but i am flexible and have good balance. I was just wondering if you can learn how stand on your tip toes without a ballet teacher and the right shoes. I know it will take longer, i just wanna know. If i can could you please give me tips or stretches that can help me achieve it. Thanks (:

Why did farmville change?

well when i played it a long time ago, it had that catchy music and you could harvest and plow it was brighter and you had normal wooden fences. but just now i decided to play it again and it is all american style, ya know? like brittish and the music is awful. its like all olden day stuff. ughhh i cant explain.! so go check it your self if u play farmville. anyway thanks :)

Im 35, bankrupt (3 years nearly up), unemployed, broke and trying to support a family ? Can anyone help ?

I'm lost and need guidance. I want to start a business but I have no trade skills etc. I want to be a success but things are not happening. Can anyone help ? Advice, suggestions...

Is anyone else tired of playing the American-game?

If this is true then these societies will fall soon, no country will be ecnomically stable without a middle class.

Is this the right way to treat a child?

So ever since my step-dad came along I have never done so much chores. This is my list: clean my room (vacuum, sweep, mop, dust) mine and bros bathroom: counter, bathtub, sweep, mop downstairs: sweep, mop living room if my dishes week (me and brother alternate) sink, counter, stove, table, sweep, mop kitchen, sweep, mop laundry room. Me and my brother alternate who sweeps and mops stairs and who sweeps and mops landing, do our own laundry, and pick up dog poop. So really we clean everything except their room and their bathroom. And my step dad has this dumb point system that whenever we dont do something we are told to do or have what they feel is an attitude (in my world it's speaking my mind whether I'm raising my voice or not) he takes something or various things away and we have to get 10 points to get something back and honestly there nothing we can do to gain these points because we already have all the chores in the house and this is what they do Mom: sleep (nightshifts) work and when off do school work and watch TV. Step dad - work from 4am to 11am then sits on the computer and watches tv and does the yard when he gets pissed. I don't think this is right, I feel like a slave but less intense then the olden days obviously.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What did women do in the olden days? ?

Just curious, but when did women of mid-evil ages and before them do when there menstrual cycle/ period came? How did they control the flow from making a mess?

Dumbest inventions in the olden days?

the spine pad - worn in the tropics to ward off sunstroke - wear it under your tweede jacket. No wonder the poor old white folk died like flies.

What are some olden day movies like "ever after"?

I love the olden days whether it be in tudor, Elisabeth or movies set in the 1800's. What are some good movies that are modern?

California unfunded debt is 500 billion dollars , that's approx $15,000 for every man woman and child?

How can calif not go bankrupt? Mostly it is for state worker retirements thats not funded. The poor won't and can't pay so that leaves the rich and middle class to pay which almost doubles the debt. You tell me , How does liberalism work? remember , calif is one of the most taxed states in the nation already

Do we really want our government to emulate the European style?

I know this might be a bit of a stretch for some of you out there but, do we really need to be like them? Do we honestly need our government to give us absolutely everything? Take a look at Greece and tell me that we need to be doing this. Take a look back and tell me that the strikes in Europe due to the austerity measures are something that we want to experience. Who will bail us out once we go bankrupt?

How do I make some serious money?

Why don't you go to technical schools or jr colleges to up your skills? I hear nursing is hard but if you really want it, you'll be able to pass the courses. I think it takes 2 years. You get around 50-60k a year.

Should I accept 8,000 dollars before tax on this used car?

Yesterday we went into a dealership and the salesman insisted that he bought the car for 8,500. He showed us a sheet from kelly Blue book saying its WORTH is 8,500. I realized this and starting arguing with the salesman. Me being only 15, he said things such as, "Why am I arguing with a stupid 15 year old?" Then I told him to show us the invoice because he has nothing to hide since they bought it for 8,500, anyway. He said he'd go bankrupt if they showed all the customers the invoice. So we left using the walk out technique. He goes and tells the manager that we are leaving, and we saw that didn't want us walking out (we have good credit). However, he let us go. Today, though, the salesman calls and offers 8,000 for the car. That's 500 below what he "Put into it". Obviously, there is still some room to negotiate. Any thoughts?

Mom says pads cost too much?

Ok so i am 13 and just started my period earlier today. Since my mom is like 53 she does not get her period anymore. So i asked her today if she could run me to the pharmacy to get some pads. She was like.....sorry lindsey they cost too much and then just left. I was like what? I went to her again and was like well what was i supposed to do i am bleeding. She then got all offensive and said do you want me to go bankrupt. I felt really bad then started crying. Later on i searched free tampons and pads on line and got all kinds of free stuff but they wont be here till next period. Wjat happens when they are all gone. Are pads really that expensive. We live it a trailer and we are kinda poor. I dont have any money and need pads. Please help I AM NOT LIEING JUST PLEASE HELP

What do you do when you've lost your job, your family/home through divorce? I literary have nothing!?

I've lost everything in my divorce (wife, son, home, etc),I am bankrupt financially when I lost my job earlier this year. I live in my car.

What are some GOOD, CUTE romance movies set in the olden days?

What are some good cue romance movies set in like olden days, as in 1800's (preferred) or like older and stuuufff.. but please, just cute movies that make people emotional . Kiiiiiinda like the phantom of the opera (2004). Possibly even a twisted love story?

Whats ur favorite old name?

Just for fun whats your favorite old name? Like, Elisabeth, Isabelle, Collette, olden names. Have fun :)

Why u believe rapture?

I don't. I've read the Bible, the Rapture isn't biblical. That's a false, made-up teaching by those who are scared to face the tribulations of the last days. If you read the Bible, it clearly states everyone will have to go through the tribulation and accept the mark of the beast, or not.

Germany was bankrupt after WW1; Why don't the Greeks adopt the same strategy?

Germany was the poorest country in Europe, and once Hitler and German Socialist party took charge the first thing they did is throw out German J private Central Bank and Germans for the first time started printing its own Marks. International bankers placed an embargo for defaulting and printing its own money: Greece is in a similar situation as Germany in 1933

Fellow Seniors...."Do you sometimes look at all the people with cell phones stuck to their ears"?

I'm not a senior, Sweet Judy, but I love this question and everyone's answers, especially the one about young people needing to realize their brand of self aggrandization is not pretty. I just wanted to add that I wish people would not use phone calls as a means of exclusion, as a means of cruelty, as a means of control. Phones were never meant to be anything more than a way to contact someone when you needed to, or really wanted to but could not. It's a shame the way people use them now.

My landlord has refused to maintain the building im renting from him, and is now taking us to court?

for non payment of rent, we have a very strong counter claim, but very litle money. he now states that he has deep pockets and will wait for us to go bakrupt. If we were to on with the case an win he states he will go bankrupt, the building is morgaged to the hilt and owing moneies to his other companies. he will then buy back the building from the liquidators at a discount price and start again. what can i do?

What did they mean the end? (grrece)?

So what happens if they do go bankrupt? Or its the end of the government? What will happen to greece exacly I don't get it?

Still feeling icky a week after having the flu. I am back to work just not feeling myself.?

I had the flu last Thursday night into Friday afternoon. Still not feeling myself in my stomach. Still having loose stools at time and aching in the upper stomach. A co-worker had the flu at the same time I did and she is feeling better. What can I do to get my stomach back in balance?

Have you had a friend who talks about themselves for most of the conversation every single time?

OMG YES!! everyone does this to me. whenever i catch up with a friend they just talk about them, like the whole time. they talk about their jobs, their relationships/sex lives, their family, their feelings etc. thats totally fine, i mean i love listening to people, but when i try talk about me for w little while, it's like they cant handle it, and HAVE to start talking about them again. its frustrating and yes draining is like the pefect word. its happened to me since i was a kid, my best friend did it, and even my teachers! my teacher would just walk over to me and be like "my son is moving out, i have bills to pay, and im stressed" and then im in at lunchtime having to talk to her about it more. same thing happened to my mother, and it used to drive her insane too. theres not much you can do to avoid these people, except perhaps watch out for the early signs when you get to know them. how often they mention themselves etc.

Why is Michelle Bachman Complaining about the Auto Bailouts when they payed us back with interest already?

Because it was a waste of money. If the auto sector had gone into bankruptcy they could have done the same thing and the stimulas would have been able to dole out 17 billion somewhere else. All Obama did was pay off the unions with all of that money.

Blacking out while on minocycline?

i've just started taking minocycline for acne on my face for two days. i also apply edpiduo cream on my face several minutes before i go to bed. i take one minocycline antibiotic when i wake up and another several hours before bed (since you can't lie down after taking it). i do eat a snack before each pill (my dermotologist requested i do so) and swallow it with plenty of water. this morning (the third day i will be on minocycline) i woke up with terrible stomach pains/nausea. i decided to get up after dealing with the pain by lying in bed for half an hour. i got up slow, looked in the mirror, saw i was extremely pale, and then blacked out. i managed to lie down before i completely lost my balance. once i laid down, the ringing in my ears was awful for several minutes. this has happened to me once before a while ago, but i wasn't on any antibiotics or anything. for now, i'm going to drink like a fish and still take the pill; however, if any new side effects occur, i'm calling my derm. i'm unsure wether the ringing in my ears (since that is a specific side effect listed on the bottle) or blacking out is from the drug, or if it's from some stomach bug. has anyone who took minocycline had this problem? thanks for your feedback!

What do you call the place where in the olden days horses got shoed etc?

A black or silver smith often made the shoes, as for putting them on a horse, I am not really sure. They may have shoed the horses as well, but I am not sure. But Black smith/silver smith would be my best answer.

In the olden days, What did they use to amputate a body part?? An axe or saw or what?

First the patient was given loads of string alcohol. Then their limb was cut off with a saw/knife/axe. Then a hot iron was pressed on it to stop the bleeding.

How come some people argue about the bible when they haven't even read it.?

It is hypocritical to condemn the practice while being a Bible thumper. But then again that's one of the biggest complaints the non-religious have for religious people.

Are these Greek demonstrators aware that their country will go bankrupt if this bailout bill is not passed?

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Whats the most strangest thing you thought was true when you was a child, which wasn't?

I thought teachers lived in school. I also thought cashiers were the ones to take all the money that people used to buy food and other products.

Can you help me interpret my handstand dream?

Arm balance things in dreams mean that you are trying to balance your life and so is everyone else. They were searching for what they wanted after graduation. The elevator represents going from one state of consciousness to another. Also there is obviously some anxiety about what to do next and will it work out if you balance yourself

How much makeup is too much for a 13 year old girl?

OK... i wear: mascara and a smidgen of eyeliner and maybe some concealer depends on the amount of redness on da face... and okay WE ARE NOT IN THE OLDEN DAYS ANYMORE! yes we were make up duh we are not young we wanna attract guys and look older so grow up and think of our day in age <3

Where to get NBA jerseys of retired players?

im looking to buy an Olden Polynice Kings jersey but i dont know where to go to buy one because they dont have it in the NBA shop

I really hope someone can help me....god bless me :(?

god bless me to let love professionals see this... there's a girl that i really like but she don't know....we've been very good friends since bout 2 years...we are close friends...when she is down i'm there always to comfort her..sometimes she still praise me for being sweet for saying good stuff about her...when i'm down she'll will comfort me and she said if i'm sad she will also be sad..she wants me to smile...she even wrote about me in an essay in school...and i wrote bout her in a peom....we text each other everyday wothout stopping...we gave 'sweet love kiss' symbols in phones....she gave me advice when i'm fristrated or depressed....she also said that everytime when she's sad..she's said the only person who will appear beside her is me...she loves looking at flowers and she said she hope to see that kind of species of flowers....i told her that i hope there's a chance i'll be there to bring her to a windy shady place and look together...and said she was touched and tears dropping....and one day...i've got caught texting the same girl a lot and i've been grounded and my phone was confiscated...i told everything tat happens to me to tat girl except for veing grounded i told her i cant text and apologize a lot....then from that day onwards....we used facebook to chat...and i can feel her atitude is changing towards me...she sends an inbox bout her problems to me...and i told her wat must she do and the next day when she's online....she diden even thank or said anything juz 'haha:) hi" imma like feeling very jealous and scared tat she'll start to text other guys coz she dont have me anymore and starting to forget about me....i really dont know wat to do....i hope love professionals can gave me good advice real good tat can make her obsessed bout me again i want the old her back...:(( anything tat i can do to continue to make her talk to me like the olden days...?? i really appreciate ur help...

I am 17 and possibly pregnant and considering getting pregnant if I'm not?

okay so . ive always wanted a baby my whole life. my entire life my dreams were to become a mom. my dream job is and always has been to be a stay at home mom. ive baby sat worked with children and had to take care of babys and it just makes me want one eveen more. i know that i need a backup plan. im 17 and halfway through my first year of college and still continuing on to become a dental hygenist. my school has free child care and if i didnt want to do that they offor online classes as well. i started early becuase im smart. why are teen moms so frowned upon in society? i was reading a pregnancy magazine and it said the best and healthiest time for a women to have a baby is when they were in their teen years. IN the olden days girls had babys at a very young age and it was acceptable. My boyfriend is a great guy and i dont have a job right now but he has 2 jobs and plenty of money and he said if i were pregnant he would want me to keep it. . his family would be very supportive. my mother not so much. ive had my times as a teenager. ive done my partying. i have my few close friends and am not concerned with partaking in anythign stupid teenagers do. i feel as if im mature and ready to take on life, have a good sense of who i am and am a confident girl. people always say "dont you want more for your life"? but this is what ive always wanted for my life. i could still continue with school and i know i would be the best mom ever ! im in a serious postion with my life right now and been serisouly considering getting pregnant ... what do you think and would this be an appropriate time for me? the only reason i am asking this is to see what people think considering MY circumstances. and to see if there is anything i have missed while thinking this over. im being completely serious and would appreciate serious, well thought out, logical answers please and thank you

Friday, July 15, 2011

Can you please help me with this accounting question ?

A company sells leaf blowers for $170 each. Each unit has a 3 year warranty that covers replacement of defective parts. It is estimated that 4% of all leaf blowers sold will be returned under the warranty at an average cost of $30 each. During October, the company sold 400,000 leaf blowers. 800 leaf blowers were serviced under the warranty during October at a total cost of $25,000. The balance in the Estimated Warranty Liability account on October 1 was $12,500. What is the company's warranty expense for the month of October?

Can You See The Northern Lights in Norway in August?

I am going on a cruise around the Fjords in Norway to these destinations: Bergen, Andalsnes, Olden and Stavanger. Andalsnes, is the most northern of them. I was just wondering if you would have a chance of seeing the northern lights?

Question about credit card balance transfer.?

As far as I am aware you can but transfers are not free and you will usually have to pay a fee, normally about 3%

Ramadan: what is your opinion about this?

You shouldn't care what others think as long as you and your wife are both happy and in love your not doing anything wrong. The people pointing there fingers i bet are not so perfect themselves so shouldn't judge you. Just ignore them and stay happy with your wife :)

Tips on shooting a fade-away?

My advice would be to jump off your left foot. You're supposed to jump off the opposite foot of your dominant hand. Dirk Nowitzki can jump off the wrong foot shooting a fade-away, but you can't. Practice jumping off your left foot when shooting a fade-away and you will see results before too long.

Why is Jon Huntsman thought of as a moderate or RINO?

As an independent... he is "just" conservative enough to get our vote. And we are the ones that put people in the white house.

Why do people in some cultures not care about what they wear?

Depends on the culture. The South Sea Islanders had no real reason to wear clothes. The temperature was a constant 80 degrees. They also had very little clothing material available before the coming of the White Man. The same thing goes for the natives in the Amazon Jungle and the Caribbean. It was the coming of Christianity thar put an end to nudity in Europe. Before that the Olympics were run naked. Taking a dip in the Aegean without any clothes on was relatively common.

Why are so many people still so opposed to living together before marriage?

I recently saw some statistics about cohabitation being a contributing factor to divorce. It was said to be attributed to couples already making a commitment before marriAge and being pressured by family and friends to take the next step.

Math Problem-Typesetting?! help?

In the olden days, type was set by hand with lead pieces. Each individual letter or number in each word had to be carefully put together. A printer wanted to print a list of whole numbers from 1 to 1000. If he had only 1000 of each of the digits from 0 to 9, how many numbers could he set before he ran out of some digit?

What will happen to the Greek economy.....?

If Greece declares themselves bankrupt and defaults on their debt? Is that worse than borrowing billions from the IMF, cause I don't get it doesn't borrowing just put you in more debt?

Why are the democrats not doing anything to fix Medicare or social security?

Mainly because they have not the slightest idea how to fix those programs. Also they are scared stiff if they actually propose some cuts they will get slammed by the people. So they stick their heads in the sand, ignore the problem and keep blaming the Republicans if they try or propose some possible fixes.

Teen Weight Loss Help!?

im 15, 149 lbs & 5'3. Im not big but I could ne skinnier. I was wondering if anyone had some suggestions for me. its hard ti have a balanced "diet" because whatever the parents chose to have that night for dinner is what we eat. & I have been doing small portions i've also been active with exercising. of you could tell me what I can do to lose as much weight as possible starting today until july 31st. were it will actually make a noticeable difference please tell me.

Should the federal government refuse to bail out when it goes bankrupt bankrolling financial aid for illegals?

There are parts of the country where 80% of the kids in the lunch room are parents of illegal aliens and they're sitting there eating taxpayer funded lunch. The crash is coming, maybe then we'll wake up.

Why did God stop performing verifiable miracles?

In the olden time, He apparently walked amongst men, sent plagues stopped by a smear of sheep's blood smeared on a doorway, changed the laws of physics by creating light refraction after a flood... Why has He stopped, if He wants believers, why not create miracles a little more believable than an image on a slice of toast or a dancing sun in Portugal (when the sun didn't bother to dance elsewhere)?

Did men really whip their wives in the olden days?

my teacher says men were allowed to whip there wives as long as the whip was a certain size. i don't care, if i lived back then i wouldn't have put up with that


The cost is now �700.00 so it isn't worth it in your case...also you'd have to be resident in the a D.R.O. for �90 may be better..or keep writing to your creditors telling them that you are now living abroad.

Direct TV stole my money! Who can I contact?

We were late on Direct TV and they decided to take money out of every account we ever used without our authorization, and bounced 2 checks in the process. I put in a dispute with the bank, and they credited the account back temporarily. Then I called Direct TV, they confirmed the charges were reversed, and I paid the account in full, including the money they took out without our permission. Then a week later they charged the same account again, which again resulted in an overdraft fee and another charge. I DIDN'T OWE THEM ANY MONEY! Now they refuse to credit my account back the $35 until I show them my bank statements (which means give them my account numbers so they can take money again?). One lady (a supposed supervisor) told me we have a balance due next week, so they can take it if they want to! Anyone know of who I could contact for this (government agency, etc.)? I already tried the bank and they pretty much told me since we have an active account and it isn't free, they can take as much money as they want. Something really isn't right here. I already know the BBB, but their rating is already a D with thousands of unresolved complaints. Any other ideas? By the way, it is not the $35 I am fighting about. It is about the $160+ in fees I had as a result of what they did.

Calling all cheerleading flyers!!?

I need help with single leg stunts.. I seem to not be able to even stand in a single leg let alone pull a skill in the air. I go up and come right back down. Is it my fault or is it my group? What are good ways to keep balance? tutorials, videos, pictures would be a great help!!

Social security glitch, have I been overpaid?

I know no one can give me a definite answer. Back in March my daughter's father passed away, we were told that she would be entitled to a survivor benefit, which was okay. The weird part is, I was told also that since I was her primary care taker, I would get a benifit for myself as "child maitnece". Sort of their way of paying child support? I'm totally confused, because later, we were told that I would not be eligible because her father and I were not married. Everything was okay with that, I don't have a problem with it. We received our second payment on the 22nd of June, and I went to check my account balance again and it appears they paid me again today. It isn't back pay because we already received our "back pay" payment of about 1500 dollars. I'm just confused. Do they normally mess up and pay double in less than two weeks? I would call them and ask, but my daughter and I moved to the UK and as of right not I can't call an American number from a phone here. I can't find any information online either, I just don't want to get in trouble for using this money if they made a mistake. Or possibly the first person we talked to was right and I am getting benefits as well... Totally clueless.

Is Boris right to say, let the Greeks go bust and have to leave the euro?

Boris Johnson is a cheerleader for the very ********* who caused this crisis. Still, in this case, he's probably right, if for all the wrong reasons.

Did Jesus speak English?

I just want to know if Jesus spoke English cos in the bible he is speaking like some kind of olden days English. Did they teach English in schools back in Jesus times or did he know it cos his dad was God?

Ramadan: would you trust.....?

Of Course: Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) always tried to create a connection with Jewish tribes, especially in Arabia because they were the only people that believed in one God. There's nothing wrong with it, the only thing i advise you is to not get absorbed by the religion: Remember that you bear witness that there no god, but Allah and Muhammad(pbuh) is the Messenger of Allah. (La illah ha illallah hu Muhammadar Rasullalllah)

Will Kate Middleton have 'ladies-in-waiting' like in the olden days?

Yes indeed dear Dinah. The Middleton girl shall have 10 ladies-in-waiting whilst she is living in her Welsh cottage. The number is little because their abode is more of the compact and bijou variety. One expects she will have upwards of 100 ladies-in-waiting when she moves into Buckingham Palace, or "Buck House" as she calls it.

I'm interested in learning about photography. What should I start with?

I love looking at pictures, so I'm thinking about getting a professional camera but I don't know what kind to get that won't bankrupt me. I'm in high school and I can't take a photography for another year since I already chose my elective for next (this coming) school year. Any suggestions on what kind to get for a beginner and where I can get the best deal? Also, any pointers from photographers?

Name of this old NES game?

There is this game where you are basically play as wagon of settlers in olden time, and you travel through America. You need to get food, reach next landmark, the settlers can get sick etc. Anyone knows the name of the game?

Would it bother you, if you found out you were the descendant of a rapist?

No, I have more important things to worry about than whether or not my great ancestors were raped. They probably were. Women were seen as possessions, to be seen not heard so I would expect everybody's family to have some relatives that have been raped. Besides, being that I believe in reincarnation chances are we've all played the roll of raped and rapists in the past anyway or probably have known someone close who has been raped in every lifetime.

Are the Federal Reserve Banks trying to bankrupt the U.S.A. or what?

Who does the U.S.A. really owe over $14 Trillion to? Why is the U.S.A. borrowing money when they have he U.S. Mint and have plenty of gold mines to make new gold coins with? Shouldn't the U.S.A. become truly wise with their money?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

What are some games like wizard101 i like wizard101 because u get to level up go on cool adventures.?

There is so much stuff that is fun about wizard101 you can get cool pet control ur character with ur keyboard and u get to be in way cool classes.For example im in the balance class and we have cards of are own just like all the other classes do.It would be very hard to find a website like this magnifisent oe but could u help me find one.

What's wrong with my mustang?

So it vibrates when I reach 30-50mph once I pass that speed it runs smoothly. I checked the air in the tires and I even balanced them and it still vibrates.. what can it be?

What do I do?????????????

My mom went bankrupt and her major client died and she will lose 25% of her income. My dad can't afford the bills and the worst part of this is that my parents are going through a bad divorce. My dad is thinking about kicking my 19 year old brother out and selling his car because he can't afford him or his college. I'm stuck and helpless and I don't know what to do! I'm a 13 year old girl.

I am trying to find a good hands on lesson plan on the concept of weight for first graders?

I am teaching summer school and it is first grade math. We are doing measurement this whole week and I would like to touch and do a very basic introduction on weight, however, I cannot find a good lesson plan that will work. Most lessons want you to have a balance scale, problem is, I don't have access to one. I thought about having various objects and having them guess which one would be heavier and then lifting them up to see if they were right, not sure how successful that would be. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.

Parents....Is owning your own house just a bit overrated?

There are pro's and con's. Most of the financial "experts" anymore agree that owning a home isn't really an investment like people used to say, it's only good for living in don't look it as an investment. You have to pay for all the maintenance yourself and if the place falls apart you're screwed. On the other hand I'm stuck with a royal b*tch of a landlord right now that I wish I didn't have to deal with.

Fellow Seniors...."Do you sometimes look at all the people with cell phones stuck to their ears"?

I'm not a senior, Sweet Judy, but I love this question and everyone's answers, especially the one about young people needing to realize their brand of self aggrandization is not pretty. I just wanted to add that I wish people would not use phone calls as a means of exclusion, as a means of cruelty, as a means of control. Phones were never meant to be anything more than a way to contact someone when you needed to, or really wanted to but could not. It's a shame the way people use them now.

I think i have a cocaine problem,help?

Basically i started hanging around with the wrong people,my boyfriend was heavy drug user and he got me started onto cocaine,at first it was just fun,and we started taking it everyday,it got to stage where i thought about it alot and wondered when id have it next and how much,i have spent hundreds on it,me and my boyfriend have split up but i find im using it again and im afraid i cant stop,i like the taste,i think i need help before im bankrupt?before you judge me i had alot of problems and turned to it,like a comfort,what can i do to stop and not ruin my life?

Why was Tyburn the place to execute traitors in the olden days?

like the judges who signed charles I death warrant where hung drawn and quartered and their heads displayed there on sticks. and oliver cromwell's body exhumed and displayed there. but why Tyburn? why was that the place for traitors?

What style Harley Quinn sounds good to you guys?

Ok I'm thinking of getting a Harley Quinn tattoo in color I wanted a sexy version of her done on my right upper back and i was thinking maybe have her holdin a bottle of liquior just labled with XXX like the olden days and the other hand holdin a fat joint? Thanks!

What would happen if all U.S. banks shutdown and when you went to get your money they told you it was gone?

Forget about your scenario and worry about the European Union that is in much worse shape and is about to crack under the strain of default and bail-out. This is likely to put the world into another recession and once again we will be faced with a rise in unemployment and a bank crisis. Perhaps, in the most negative scenario, our unemployment will rise to 15%, but that also means 85% of our country is still employed, and that is alot of people. The world is not about to end but the crisis is real and if you have any assetts I would be buy gold, silver, precious metals and Swiss Francs.

How come I always let my friends take advantage of me?

Your friends find you an easy target to take be taken advantage of. Stand up for yourself and stop being a little too soft

Which is worse? Not knowing if your kids are yours, or not knowing if your spouse has kids with someone else?

Not knowing if your kids are yours. I would HOPE your spouse would tell you if they had kids with someone else--how could they not, since they're half responsible for their support? Arnold Schwarzenegger did not tell his wife about his love child, but he had enough money to support the child and keep it under wraps.

Romantic Songs to Dedicate to my boyfriend on his birthday!!?

Hey there. My boyfriend is turning 21 tomorrow. We have been in a relationship since 4 and a half years now. I want to dedicate a beautiful slow romantic song to him on his birthday along with some lovely beautiful lines that might cheer him up. So music and lover buffs help me out plsssssssss!!!!! I need latest songs like from the 90s and if the song is really really good then it could be from the olden days too!!thanks in advance!

How funny is it that communist china is loaning money to bankrupt capitalist america?

How funny is it that they have all of that money to loan because their a$$ sucking communist country consists of the extreme upper class and the extreme lower class and that money we're getting from the extreme upper class was earned off the backs of the extreme lower class.

Collection agencies affect?

My sister had a negative balance on paypal and had to pay them back which she did and had one final payment to go to which she found out they passed onto a collecting agency, they didn't even tell her about the 45 day rule and she was paying her debt really quickly. Anyway she paid the collection agency when they requested but would it affect her credit score she's so young and I didn't know this was going on I would've paid everything but she hides serious things. Does she need a written letter from them as proof? I don't want her o have a bad credit score because she is so smart with her money. Btw she used a debit card if that matters.

Are Americans too soft and accustomed to comfort?

I am an American, and probably too privileged also. But are the people as a whole too soft? We have had 40 years of legalized abortion, and fifty years of expecting everything to be paid for once we turn 65. Now there are millions of illegal immigrants in the country to do the manual labor, and the country is going bankrupt. Is it our own fault? Why or why not?

I owe money to a store declared bankrupt.?

the bankruptcy court will probably sell the debt to a collection agency or assign someone to collect on the outstanding accounts unless they didn't go through the courts so you might have gotten free merchandise or maybe not

Do u think all the millions of creditors who were bankrupted by Barney Franks and Chris Dodd at Fannie Mae?

will have an impact on our economy for years to come since the Frank-Dodd policies destroyed all of their credit and this economy was once driven by credit?

Why are so many people still so opposed to living together before marriage?

I recently saw some statistics about cohabitation being a contributing factor to divorce. It was said to be attributed to couples already making a commitment before marriAge and being pressured by family and friends to take the next step.

What are some brands of sleepers that have wide feet?

my son LOVES sleepers. he is in a size 4t but now i have bought carters and they have skinny feet along with a few other brands. he has wide feet and i cant seem to find any brands of sleepers with wide feet besides peas and carrots by steve but as we all know they went bankrupt and dont sell clothes anymore. please help?!?!?!

How long does it take to get anticipated financial aid?

I take online classes. After accepting my financial aid offers. How long will it take for the money to actually go to the school. Right now on my student account it shows my balance and Anticipated Loan.

Help i need plastic surgery?

im 17, im tall with a nice body, but my face is boring, i have nice cheekbones and eyes, but if my nose was smaller and lips were bigger id be prettier, not necassarly my nose, it just looks bigger cuz of my thin lips, so i really need to balance out my face, i want people to say im pretty not just that i have a nice figure, idgaf bout that i care about my face, i have the money for it, should i wait till im in college and dont know anyone so people wont know that i got it, its akward if people know i got plastic surgery in my town at this age, i want it at this age cuz im young this is the time im supposed to be confident and look the best i ever will in my life and i need a boost for beauty cuz god knows my genetics didnt give it to me,, lol

Should the federal government refuse to bail out when it goes bankrupt bankrolling financial aid for illegals?

Another false claim; you're on a roll. Mimi Walters' statement is a misrepresentation of the measure in question.

Michelle Obama's goodwill tour of Africa costs taxpayers $800,000?

They are traveling all they can because there isn't going to be another 4 years....She is a disgrace.

Could someone tell me a bit about druidism?

ive been wondering about druids for a while and been wanting to learn about them. not the olden day roman era celtic druid people (if the basic concepts have changed since then)

How come in the olden days they never worried about health and there was never many diseases?

now in contemporary society, there's all these new diseases, and everyone worries about everything. i'm a hypochondriac and was wondering why life is like this now?

How can I invest in something for money?

Can u please give details like what is investing, and simple examples of how u get money and what happens if a company goes bankrupt or if they skyrocket or how you know how much money your getting (for example like a raise in 4%) just tell me everything i need to know about investing and please make it as simple and informative as possible. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!

What do you do when your parents don't let you have guy friends?

Your kinda screwed.You live under their house and their rules.That sucks but there is hope.I'm going assume that your grandparents, and parents were not born in America...That your in America and growing up here..Your parents grew up with certain traditions and your in a Muslim household... You have to let them know your not growing up like they did .Your in America and this culture is different..That you love things about both cultures ,and your not going to side with one of them .Your a mixture of both..There are American dads that don't want their daughters dating.That's a getting pregnant thing..If you find someone you like let them know your situation. How your parents are .If he is not willing to work with you he is not for you.You got to earn your parents trust and the guy friend does to....If you can get to that point some how. What your gonna have to do is say what you said on here to your parents .Times have changed,I want to have some guy friends .I don't want to lie to you ,your putting a strain in the mother,father , daughter relationship.. This might be a bad example . If I had kids ,that wanted to drink. I would rather have them at home drinking alittle bit then them being out getting drunk some were.. I can control it when there at home . Would they rather you have guy friends that they don't know about,that your going to see anyway ,cause what they don't know won't hurt them . Or the guys can come to your house and hang out with you while your parents are there.So they can keep an eye on you..Good luck .

I'm creating a fantasy world and I need help?

The old standby of hovercrafts, flying objects etc is always a way to prove an advanced civilization, regardless of human existence. As for clothing, jeans are a bad idea. Go for the star wars look. Cliche, but it works well.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What are good stretching exercises to do for my golf swing to balance out my muscle growth?

I have started working out again after several years. The reason I stopped was because my muscle growth especially in my chest hindered my golf swing. Now that I have stared back, I need suggestions on stretches to counter that growth and keep my swing fluid and less mechanical. I try to stay away from chest exercises but I still need to firm up that area,

What do you eat before you go jogging?

I usually go jogging in the morning 30 minutes after I have a healthy balanced breakfast. Or do you not eat at all?

Girlfriend 10 years ago?

hi, i met a girl bout 10 year ago... we only met when we were drinking and stuff cuz were both shy we broke up cuz it never worked out and bout 5 years later i get with her cousin settle down have 2 kids and all. now my girlfriend who i have the kids til well 1 for sure, not sure bout my other kid which social services are getting a dna test done on. but i call him mine cuz he always will be no matter wat even no he is only 2 years old, the oldest is 3 by the way...well my gf is violent shes cheated on me over 5 times in our 7 year relationship, we got 2geter when she was 15 and i was 18, i loved her bout 4 year ago and now i fell nothing for her only there for my kids,,, welll her cousin i have as a friend on facebook, we have been texting each other and she keeps talking about the past when we were with each other she almost remembers every single thing that happened between us while we were 2geter even no we were drunk... tonight we talked for over 4 hours on facebook she kept bringing of the olden days and she wouldnt go with me again cuz she is close to her cousin? im confused why she brings up about wat we had 10 year ago til this day now and i ask her if she still likes me in that way she says... no i wouldnt do that on my cousin,what would ppl say, and says stuff like my nephews cute just like me shes giving me signals i think but i keep sayin to her do u like me a lil bit and she says no just as a friend i need some help i dont love my gf anymore as shes cheated and been violent tro me over the last 4 years i really like her cousin but dont no if she likes me. so im going on shes bringing up the past and how much she loved the past with us 2, spending 4 hours on facebook talking, sayin my nephews cute like his uncle= me, give some advice please 10 out of 10 for best answer!!

How were photographers taking well exposed pictures in olden days?

I am new to DSLR photography. I am wondering before the arrival of digital cameras how the photographers managed to get well exposed pictures without having the new features like live view etc. Were they simply applying trial-and-error methods. I think they must have wasted a lot of films in the process, am I right? Please give me the answers. Thanks in advance.

Some good spoof horror movies?

some spoof horror movies made in the 21st century no olden day spoof movies .spoof movies made in the 2000's

Why Should other states be forced to bail California out for going bankrupt by paying for illegals "Dreams"?

Hey, you know what? Why don't the other 48 just kick us out of the Union. I'm sure we'd be fine on our own. We produce enough oil to be self sufficient. We send more than half of the food we produce out to other states. We produce a mighty chunk of the GDP and send in about 18% of all of the federal tax dollars which we could then keep. Yeah, that's right, keep hating on California. Ingrates.

What do you think about the fall of the European Union?

To be honest I think all our governments are getting was too greedy and the whole world is just turning to **** very fast

Do you think dwi laws are too strict?

I mean it can be a potential crime. I had a dui right by my home, like 2 blocks and got cited. I blew slightly above the .08. Now, I got into trouble with my employer which I have been with for 10 years, and it does not involve driving. I have applied for part time jobs and some of them will not hire me and once again they are non-driving jobs. I have paid my debt in the pocket and in time. I am not a bad person, but its embarrassing and I like to add, i have been pulled over before on suspicion of dui and after breezing thru the dui check the office looked defeated. its as if its a HUGE revenue generator. I have to put food on the table and take care of my kids. But the dui laws almost made me lose my job, home,/ I am now bankrupt because of this and prior i had good credit. I am contributing member of society but its like my paid debt is not ok with people. I mean, I feel like i am being treated as harshly as a bank robber.

How lucky was FDR?????????

We were in the Depression for three years before FDR took office and turned things around. In fact we were on the brink of an all out revolution in 1932, a mass of former solders who had lost their pensions were on the verge of overrunning Washington DC. Thank goodness we had real leadership in a time of national crisis instead of that do nothing Republican Hoover. Odd how history repeats itself, here we are in the midst of the bush recession and the Republicans are working hard to not help average Americans.

Rhh:has a rappers debut ever been so bad he got dropped?

not cus it sold bad but because it was terrible. finally famous is good if you ignore big sean. you could get a rapper off a street corner and hed make a better album...not even jokin. good is gonna go bankrupt buyin decent reviews. 2/10

Should religion be taught in schools?

Absolutely not ... Which religion would you want taught ? If you want your child to be taught a religion in school , you send them to a private religious school .

Romance movies for teens?(:?

I dont like olden day ones and i've seen the last song and Dear John and walk to remember yeah, im stumped. Any good movies, i like the charecters to be around 16 not old people xD Thanks(:

How much money would be left if i trade in my dsi to get a nintendo 3ds?

i have two questions 1.i want to go from my dsi to nintendo 3ds so im going to trade it in i have a stylus and a charger how much balance would be left over for me to spend 2.i lost my charger so i had to get a new one but the only one i could find was a multi charger thasat you had to put on adapters so you can plug it into ds lites dsi and gameboy would they still take that because they only take the dsi if you have a charger with it i will be trading it in at gamestop

Where is a good place to find the following...?

Olden day style lanterns and lamps. a oldish looking birdcage, anything hippyish. Gypsy-like cushion covers and fabrics. thankyouuuu

Whats going on with America?

We are past 14 trillion dollars in debt. China owes most of our loans. If China called in our loans at this time we could not pay them. That's the story, and the truth.

Dosing off during lectures, help?

Chewing mints/gum or anything sour may help to keep you awake! Most people try caffeine! It does certainly help, but it wears off after a while. So, if you feel really tired, you can try grabbing a cup of coffee on the way to your lecture, and see if that helps! It may help you stay awake for the lecture, but a few hours later, you may find yourself being even more tired than before! But hey, it's the lecture that's important, right? :)

Unemployment benefits?

When I am owner of a small business, and my business goes bankrupt, am I entitled to collect unemployment benefits?

What to do with Benefits money each month?

I t is your money to which you are entitled. Do not obsess about it. Just keep an eye that you are not continuing to claim when not entitled. Good luck with your plans for the future.

Mazda 626 steers to the right when accelerating?

its called "torque steer",,its because front wheel drives suck,,opps i mean they have differnt length drive shafts on left and right,,, so unequal power to L and R

Who thinks marijuana should be legal?

i do not smoke weed.but it is not not as dangerous as should be it stores and sold like alcohol.the government could make taxes on would free up the courts,prisons,and allow our police officers to spend time on more important crimes.we need to have the farms here.then there will be no need for the cortel or other drug trafficers to cross our borders.drugs are like alcohol.the people want them so bad,that they can never be stopped.our government might as well make money on it,instead of going bankrupt on a lost cause.if we want our country to be the strongest again,we need to stop being foolish.weed would increase legal jobs.some body has to grow and sell it.people will make money on chemicals for the soil.trucking companies,and many other types of just doing that,the government probally could pay off the national debt in less than a decade.but we dont want that.we keep on doing things the hard way.

IM RLLY SCARED?! Something happened last nite...?

I couldnt fall asleep, so i was watching tv, then i got a little tired so i turned off my tv and laid in my bed for about 10 minutes, i was almost asleep until a HUGE crashing sound woke me up! I live in an old manor/mansion of its time, and my room (modernized of course) is where the maids and butlers used to sleep. It is also right next to the butlers stairs (which lead to the kitchen. in olden times they used to wake u earlier than the residents to make breakfast etc so they had their own stairs.). Well anyways, i realized that it sounded like someone was falling down my stairs. it was the scariest thing ever! I got up, looked around, and everyone in my house was fast asleep, even my dog. So then I went back to sleep... and it happened again. something fell down my stairs! Im positive that is the sound cuz ik it so well. and it was coming from the stair hall. I got rlly scared. Also in my house, my tv has been going on and off a lot and flipping channels. I dont beleive in ghosts but.... do u think it is one? or does anyone have a logical explanation!? Also my house is pretty old... like built in 1900-1930. the previous family living here moved out, and they had family troubles (daughter sent to boarding school, parents fought). The previouser family idk...

What will happen to Greece if their economy continues to collapse?

also Spain and Portugal... If no one lends them money and they bankrupt, will other countries take over theirs, and b controlled by another government?

I want to hear malayalam old songs .Could U tell me the website id's,,,?

I am around 50's . I don't know malayalam. But I taste the beautiful karnatic based malayalam songs which falls under 1960's to 1995's...Kindly guide me the websites to down load the songs of the (g)olden days for my personal use. Kindly help me please...!

Bellydance veils and Niqabs?

Hey if you dance, then I've got a question for you. Many bellydancers really hate the idea of wearing a face veil because of the idea of it giving a nod to the oppression of women back in the olden days, but during all of the veil dances that I've seenon youtube, why do most all of them draw a veil to their faces during the preformance? Does it mean anything? Thanks. (I know it's a dumb question, I'm just curious.)

Update on rental property...?

If your name is listed don the property as owner or co-owner, this can be sued as a lien against debt. If you file for bankruptcy, you may be required to sell to pay off debts. You could also be sued prior to declaring bankruptcy and have to sell to pay debts. Take your name off of the property.

What was British culture like in the olden days?

Im doing an art project and i have to investigate british culture, i'm really finding it hard because british culture currently is so multi-cultural and i cant separate it accuratly to what is known as british, can you help me out?

All this 2 pac, biggie, bone thugs, nas are way overated for me, i mean come on?

People wil be saying they re the best but d truth is their music is dull, stupid, no flare at all, no style or rythmn, only nas is a gud rapper in that group, the rest are rubbish, especially that 2 pac, i mean all his music are rubbish and not sweet, look at todays rap that people are critizing, not afraid, love the way u lie, no hands, welcome to my hood, look at me now, 6 foot 7 foot are way beta than those rappers own, eminem is beta than any of dem there, so stop living in d olden days people, their music was notin more than dull rubbish.

How much trouble would I be in for if i didn't pay my phone bill ever?

I'm about to switch to Verizon Sunday and don't want to pay any remaining balances. How bad would this affect my credit score? Anyone have experience with this?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How to make a fresh flower wreath?

like in the olden days when girls would weave flowers together into a crown. i would like to know a way i can just go outside and make one. i've found a few answers that involve breaking the stem, and connecting them together but i still don't get it. any help?

The Australian Greens have got the Balance of power, what are your opinions on this Aussies?

im not real sure on this Q, but who else is their really.....but anyway, i reckon bring back K Rudd,

Should I buy or rent?

You also don't want to get a house that's way to small for s growing family. You have to take into the fact that you may have more kids and will need more space. How about renting a house until your ready to buy one. That's what we did.

Why were girls married off so young in the olden days?

Apparently up until the early 20th century, a girl could have be married off once she started her period, which could have been as young as 12 or 13. Didn't they ever think that was a bit too young?

What government system is best for the country itself?

If we knew which system of government was the outright best for the country, they wouldn't have different parties.

St jons wort for depression?

Does anyone take st jons wort for depression? I hate taking perscribed meds for my depression. I would perfer something all natural. I have taken it a few times and it really does help me. In the olden days they didnt have anti depressants and now they over perscribe them in my opinion. yes some people really do need them I understand but I hate the way mine makes me feel and I am tired of trying differant kinds each one giving me crazy side effects.

Is California bankrupt becasue of all of the illegals?

no, illegals still cause economic growth. the fact is that the american economy really isn't doing that well and california wasn't able to deal with the heavy stress that was placed upon it in 2006. this is too big for it to be the fault of one group of people.

What is the ending balance of retained earnings?

For all of 2007, Axel Company has $1 par value common stock, 200,000 shares authorized, 100,000 shares issued and 90,000 shares outstanding. The balance in Retained Earnings at the beginning of the year was $500,000. Net income for the current year was $300,000. If the company declared and paid a cash dividend of $2 per share on its common stock during 2007, what is the balance in Retained Earnings at the end of the year?

Can anyone name this book? read desription?

It's a story set in olden war times, and during that time soldiers would come and rape the children, but one women kills her two children by hitting there head to save them from being raped and traumatized, but then the two children come back to haunt her, if anyone knows the name of this book, i think it's quite popular hah:D

My bank is being weird help!???!?

I have US bank. And it says my account balance is 0.30 cents. But it says I have 57 dollars in check card authorizations. But in the avalible balance says -57.56. SOmething like that. But it said my account balance yesterday was 57 dollars with 0.30 avalible. With check card authorizations of 57 dolaars. So can someone please tell me whats going on. Am I gonna be in trouble for this or something.

Is this normal, or is this weird?

This happens to me everytime I sit or lay down for a long period of time like and hour or so without moving. When I get up from sitting/laying for a long time I get really of balance and wobble around and my my sight goes black and then everything comes back normal in like 3 seconds. I don't know if this is suppoased to happen and it freaks me out. It just happens for like 3 seconds and then everything is normal again and it only happens when i get up and start walking after sitting or laying. Im not sugesting its a health problem or anything I just want to know if other people have this or if its not normal or what it is.

Why is gambling illegal yet the lottery is legal?

I know that gambling is morally wrong. Yes, I know that there are people who literally spend themselves to death gambling. But think of the good that could come out of it. Even though some individuals would bankrupt themselves, the gambling revenue as a whole could be used to build schools, hospitals and neighborhoods. And isn't the lottery technically a form of GAMBLING?? And the lottery has funded some very worthy causes. First of all, why is gambling illegal and second of all, if the lottery is technically a form or gambling then why is it legal?

I need songs about friends drifting apart?

hi so i'll keep this as short as i can. i moved to a new school and i knew only one person me and her decided to be best friends. this lad daniel he was lovely made me feel very welcome, he found out how i do running and dancing and became my coach. he'd tell me off if i ever turned down oppitunities lol and he encouraged me in sports days and things he was always there for me. he told me how my best friend was aliar and a stirrer i took it onboard and he said how everyone hates her and they were right and he hates her with a passion. she is a conpulsive liaer and makes out shes the victim- she fell out with me because i wouldnt do the same activity for her and then started a rumour i had cancer. anyway daniel now takes the mick and i know i am a freak who wants to do well in school has spots blah blah blah. but him and his friends always take the mick and hes change for the worse i have no idea who he is anymore he wont talk to me and blanks me. i miss him so much like mad but i guess he is gone now and he aint gonna come back to the fine kind side again. i would like songs about people changing. nothing olden days or country i have complecated by avril but anything else is really appreciated many thanks chloe

How much of the immigration debate is part of the Blame Game?

From all the questions I have asked in regard to illegal immigration matters ,I have practically seen nothing other than hostility. Maybe a few hopes but I don't know if those people were sincere or just yanking my chain.

How can i get better at my full liberty for cheer?i really need help!?

I was trying to go up into an extension liberty but i kept falling is it that i need to balance or i need more leg muscle what are some ideas for me to get really good at full liberties

What happens when Greece goes bankrupt?

I'm not saying it will, but what IF it would happen. What would be the consequences for other European countries, like France/Germany/The Netherlands?

Does my dog feel left out?

I just got a new puppy a golden retriever i have another golden retriever thats older and she loves the new one to death but i also have a chihuahua right when i brought the new puppy home the olden golden started playing with her and stopped playing with my chihuhua ever sense then my chihuahua hasnt played with anyone his head is always down with his eyes up. Should i get another chihuahua Or small dog his size so they can all play together?? i give all my dogs attention but my chihuahua just looks so depressed.

Is it okay to ask a girl out through text message?

I'm trying to convince my friend that it's not and she is reluctant to listen. They didn't have text message back in the olden days to ask a girl out! It was done face to face! Technology affects every aspect of our lives now adays, but it shouldn't affect the classic way of properly asking out a girl! ;D Please respond! :)

Is funding for Harry Reid's cowboy-poets the big hold up in the debt negotiations? Is he stopping progress?

because he is angry that we want to cut off funding for the treadmill shrimp (google it), Chinese prostitution research and environmental handouts for foreign countries? Is he angry that we want to reform and save our social programs for future generations, instead of bankrupting the nation?

Training exercise or drill?

develope one training exercise or drill to improve in each of the six skill-related areas: agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction time and speed. Remember that one of the characteristics of a good personal trainer is to understand their clients and their clients' needs. Describe the physical challenges your client will encounter (such as strength for rock climbing, balance for skiing, or speed in running for a client recovering from a sprain or broken bone) and explain specific areas of skill-related fitness they need to improve. State whether this is the extreme challenge, summer vacationer or rehabilitation client. Be sure to develop drills and incorporate training principles that will meet the needs of the client you choose for your project option.

My state and Federal Tax was intercepted , State was returned , but not Federal?

My state and Federal Tax was intercepted due to Child Support Arrears , after the owed arrears was balanced to $0 I was send the the balance of the Income for the State , Now since Feb 2, 2011 when the tax was intercepted I was unable to retrieve my federal Tax , when call the State that intercepted it , they keep saying they cannot share any information on the case with me , when I ask New York to contact them to return the money to me all I get is that they are putting in a request for the money and i should keep waiting , How can I get my money and why do I have to wait over 5 months for money that they intercepted in 7 days?

Do u think the US govt. keeps supporting illegal aliens for fear of total Mexican govt. collapse if they don't?

Do u think they feel like they need to help these illegals get jobs, food, and medical care because the Mexican govt. hasn't the money to pay for all this and if their govt. goes bankrupt it could lead to an all out war and a attempt by the cartels to gain total control of Mexico?

My bf is suppose to give me 3k when he gets his money on his card but now its deactivated cause of fraudulent.?

He says he deactivated it for fraudulent purposes. He suppose to transfer the money on my card. He says when its transferred by the company it will be activated. He says the only way he can check his balance is to call the company. I asked if I could hear the amount myself but he keeps looking for excuses. Does this seem to add up???/

The balance in the Office Supplies account was $200. During June, office supplies costing $580 were purchased.?

On June 1, 2010, the balance in the Office Supplies account was $200. During June, office supplies costing $580 were purchased. A physical count of office supplies at June 30 revealed that there was $240 still on hand. What is the adjusting entry?

Vocab: When did the term "gay" start to mean homosexual?

back in the olden days, "gay" used to mean "happy, and glad". when did this term start to mean "homosexual"?

Texas food stamp question?

I have been receiving food stamps for myself and my four children. Last week I removed 3 of my kids from my case because they are living with their father right now. My benefits came in today like they do every month and when I called to check the balance, it hasn't changed. I'm wondering why the amount didn't drop? and will it change mid-month or something? Thanks!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Iron (III) + Iodide. What happens?

I am working on an unknown solution lab. When I mix Iron (III) and Iodide together it forms a dark orange-brown solution (complex I'm assuming). What is the balanced equation for this reaction, and what exactly is happening?