Thursday, July 14, 2011

What do you do when your parents don't let you have guy friends?

Your kinda screwed.You live under their house and their rules.That sucks but there is hope.I'm going assume that your grandparents, and parents were not born in America...That your in America and growing up here..Your parents grew up with certain traditions and your in a Muslim household... You have to let them know your not growing up like they did .Your in America and this culture is different..That you love things about both cultures ,and your not going to side with one of them .Your a mixture of both..There are American dads that don't want their daughters dating.That's a getting pregnant thing..If you find someone you like let them know your situation. How your parents are .If he is not willing to work with you he is not for you.You got to earn your parents trust and the guy friend does to....If you can get to that point some how. What your gonna have to do is say what you said on here to your parents .Times have changed,I want to have some guy friends .I don't want to lie to you ,your putting a strain in the mother,father , daughter relationship.. This might be a bad example . If I had kids ,that wanted to drink. I would rather have them at home drinking alittle bit then them being out getting drunk some were.. I can control it when there at home . Would they rather you have guy friends that they don't know about,that your going to see anyway ,cause what they don't know won't hurt them . Or the guys can come to your house and hang out with you while your parents are there.So they can keep an eye on you..Good luck .

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