Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Which party holds more responsibility for the economic crash of 2008?

This goes beyond 'party'...this goes to what institutions have the greatest influence on congress as a whole. Big business has ALWAYS had the last word on government policies. NO person in modern times can get elected to high office unless that person has at least a handshake agreement with big money that the politician in question will do no harm to the interests of big money. To be fair the GOP has always been 'more' of a friend of industry and bankers then the democrats, but the democrats have never shied away from a 'deal' with these people either. However, since the 1980's when American corporations transmogrified into TRANS NATIONAL corporations all of that changed. Basically the current GOP/Teabag/Fox 'News'/Jesus freak party serves ONLY the interests of an ever smaller number of massive trans nationals. The trans nationals, except for 'brand names' are no longer American...they are almost nations themselves and their interests are not the American wage earner. They've moved on. China has over a billion consumers as does India. The US has 300 million consumers....that's why these companies are there. The US is at best a niche market. The trade rules put into place by the trans nationals have put the US at a disadvantage. A chinese worker makes $350.00 a month. No American could live on three times that and maintain a middle class existence. As this plays out the US worker will be poor, mostly jobless and living in a country not a lot different from Mexico. 5% of the population will own 95% of everything worth owning and the 95% will be coolies and peons. Not right away. 90% of Americans are still working though at reduced pay and in the face of rising prices. The population is growing faster than job growth and the social safety net is on its way out. All of the BS talk about who's at fault doesn't ask the real has world economy changed? It's changed because we've passed from American corporations in a world where we had no real competition to a 'world economy' dominated by a trans national corporate power. Once we accept this reality we could find a way to deal with our oncoming poverty. To solve a problem you have to admit there is a problem. My bet is that not one person in carload will understand my explaination....they'll continue to blame the 'leftists'...not the man behind the curtain.

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